Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pictures, pictures and more pictures!

Here are some pictures from the ultrasound:
This is the one that shows she's a girl... Apparently where it points to that triangle on the left means it's a girl.

This is a profile of her. You can see her hands in her face, and her knees all scrunched in front of her, and her little ribs.

This is another profile, closer up. Her hands look like they're in her mouth, but they said they were just front of her mouth. 
All right! Here are the pictures from the party!! :D 

Jonathan and I. He isn't making too weird of a face! Just a cheesy smile. :D 

This is Roxie. She is my awesome little, and the party planner! :D

This is Cole and Rachel. :D They are engaged. Congrats you two! Also, they are wearing hats, as the party was supposed to be a mad hatter party, too. Most people forgot that part. :/ hah.

Emily and Colton. I was so happy Emily could take a break from wedding planning to come down from Albuquerque!! :D

Jonathan and Tessa, and their wonderful family.

From left to right, Jonathan and I, Crystal and Josh, Will (hiding) and Jenna! Crystal is my prego buddy. She is almost exactly a month behind me. Will and Jenna recently got married, congrats, you two!

The guys, hanging out on the chairs. 

Some friends, relaxing before our only game! 

This was the game. We looked at old wives tales to try to predict what she was going to be. It was WRONG! The majority was boy. Actually, the majority of people thought boy, too!

During our old wive's tales game. 

Again, during the old wive's tales game. Before we get to reveal!

Here I am, handing out the cake balls, pre-reveal. This is such an awful angle. Haha. That double chin isn't usually there, I promise! ;]

And the reveal! PINK!! :D Lindsay told me later that she had a whole strategy for being able to see it fast (opening it on the plate, instead of biting it!)

This is my official picture taker, Lindsay, having a bite of the tasty cake. It was quite yummy.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

21 weeks!

Good afternoon, all!!! :D

Well, I'm 21 weeks, but I didn't take a picture this weekend. I will have lots of pictures from the party, so I figured I could forego it this week. That being said--I don't have the pictures from the party YET. My designated picture taker is supposed to post them on facebook, and thereafter I promise to post them here!! :D I DO, however, have a cake picture!

DRUMROLL PLEASE................................

Why, yes! You are seeing correctly! THAT is definitely the color PINK!!!
Which means we are having a GIRL!! :]

As for more information: She is 13 ounces. She is healthy. I don't have any pictures of her face, though I will when I go back to the doctor, because she wouldn't wake up and move her hands out of her little face!! I do have a profile picture of her, and will post it tomorrow (I don't have it with me today). She shall be named Hadassah (Huh-dass-uh), which is Hebrew. We got it from The Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers, but another popular place you may have seen it is the Book of Esther in the Bible (it's Esther's Hebrew name). We haven't decided on a middle name. :] I'm so excited!!!!

With that, here is my weekly update:

HOW FAR ALONG?: 21 weeks (and a few days).
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: Something like 12-16 lbs.
STRETCH MARKS?: Just a few around the belly button.
SLEEP?: You know, I sleep in intervals, but I get enough rest so that's perfectly ok with me!
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Finding out what gender my little baby Bull is! :D
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Hm. Just heat. As the summer comes full force here in NM, the heat tends to make me feel like I can't breathe. And I know this is only going to get worse. :/
MOVEMENT?: Not yet.
FOOD CRAVINGS?: None this week. Just eating normally. Fruit and veggies and other things. :]
GENDER?: girl! :]
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Same as last week. :]
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: In. I'm not that big, yet!
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: FINALLY feeling the baby. Hopefully soon!! :D

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Hello friends and family!

Well, the ultrasound was really good. If you know about pregnancy, you will know that this was the ultrasound where they check out the measurements, and the parts to make sure the baby is healthy and growing correctly. If you didn't know that, now you know! 

The baby is healthy!! I think that's the most important part. We saw its heart, and its feet, and its spine... and a LOT of its hands, because it wouldn't put them down for us to see its face. Hahaha. It was sleeping for once, which the baby bull is never doing when I go in there, so that was interesting to see. 

I can't wait to reveal the gender to everyone!!! :D If you are coming to the reveal party on Sunday (at 2, at the BSU, if you aren't invited formally--or if you don't have a facebook where the invite is-- you are now invited!!) don't forget to wear pink or blue to cast your votes! If you can't come, and haven't already commented, please let me know on here what you think it might be!! It's fun to see what everyone thinks. And you really have a 50/50 chance! 

Love y'all! 


Monday, May 21, 2012


Picture added! Sorry it was missing yesterday. :]

HOW FAR ALONG?: 20 weeks! Which means if I carry to term, I am HALF WAY!!!
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: I'm sure they'll weigh me on Wednesday. Not too sure. Maybe 5-10 lbs?
STRETCH MARKS?: Just a few around the belly button.
SLEEP?: Still waking up twice every night. :/ But it's all right. I still feel rested.
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: It was a good week. I prepared things for my friends who are going to East Asia, and I got to see my parents and brother this weekend! And I got to see my best friend at her bridal shower!! Plus a family reunion. It has been a nice week!
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: I fell. :/ Really hard on my knees and hands (the baby is ok!) and it hurt a LOT. My knee is really torn up from it, and I have a few bruises to show off!
MOVEMENT?: I dunno. Hah. Maybe?
FOOD CRAVINGS?: I really want some cheese nips... but haven't had any. Ha.
ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: Eating unhealthy makes me pretty sick.
GENDER?: We finally find out on Wednesday!!! :D :D :D
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Acne. There's so much bad skin going on here and I do NOT appreciate it!! Other than than, I am happy to say that most everything else has passed me by (minus the throwing up some mornings, but much fewer and far between.)
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: In. I'm not that big, yet!
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: Wednesday, when we find out what gender the baby is! :] And my parents coming to find out the gender with me and Jonathan!!! and the gender reveal party on Sunday, and my in-laws coming into town this weekend!!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

19 Weeks!

Other than being sick, it was a really good week.  It was sorta strange getting all of the Mother's Day wishes and cards, but also a huge blessing. My baby exists, so I'm already a mom!! Ha. Still a strange feeling though.

I was also really blessed with a lot of friend time this week, especially since so many people are leaving for the summer, or for good. Sort of sad, but just seeing how God is directing my life, and their lives, I'm so excited for everything that will happen.

Something very exciting this week is that I am almost halfway through my pregnancy!! :D AAAND I get my gender ultrasound next week!! :D :D :D I can't wait to be able to say "he" or "she" when referencing little baby bull. So, what do you think it'll be?? :D Comment and let me know! 

Sorry for the glare on the picture. We were on our way out of town, so it was a quick one. :D I am starting to find that not much changes from week to week... So a lot of the questions have the same answers as last week. :/ Sorry! 

ALSO, apparently they start measuring the baby from head to toe now... which is why it jumped from 6 to 10 inches. :] 

HOW FAR ALONG?: 19 weeks!
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: not sure. :/ ha. I haven't looked lately.
MATERNITY CLOTHES?: Yep!! Slowly starting to grow into them.
STRETCH MARKS?: Same. Just a couple around the belly button.
SLEEP?: not great this week. I'm waking up a lot without needing to do anything, but can't get back to sleep. Usually around 4am.
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: spending time with friends. We were able to spend time with Keith and Kourt in Amarillo and it was really fun!! And we had baozi (chinese dumplings) with Dallas and Zac last night... it's just nice spending time with people.
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: being quite sick on Tuesday/Wednesday from lack of fruit... I didn't know it was from lack of fruit until after the fact, though. (At least, I'm pretty sure. When I ate fruits and veggies, everything got much better.)
MISS ANYTHING?: Nothing this week, except my fruits and veggies. hah.
MOVEMENT?: I don't really know... Ha. I feel stuff, but it doesn't feel like anyone describes it. *shrugs*
FOOD CRAVINGS?: same as last week. :)
ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: Eating unhealthy makes me pretty sick.
GENDER?: Unknown! :] But we find out next week!! :D Care to take a guess????
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Just the growing belly!
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: In. I'm not that big, yet!
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: finding out what my baby will be!!! And seeing my parents. :D

Monday, May 7, 2012

18 Weeks!

HOW FAR ALONG?: 18 weeks!
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: about 5 lbs.
MATERNITY CLOTHES?: Yes. Still big on me, though.
STRETCH MARKS?: Same. Just a couple around the belly button.
SLEEP?: Been good! Even waking up in the night less.
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: the ultrasound :D I love seeing my little one!
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: I don't think I had one this week...
MISS ANYTHING?: Nothing this week.
FOOD CRAVINGS?: Blended frozen berries and lemon juice. Mmmm... French fries, ICE, cheese, eggs. Strawberries, but for some reason all of the strawberries around here are going bad... and it makes me scared to eat them because the WORST thing is mold. :[ Ew.
ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: Moldy strawberries. :[
GENDER?: Unknown! :] But looking forward to May 23rd!!! :D
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Just the growing belly!
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: In. I'm not that big, yet!
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: My gender reveal party!! :D :D

Friday, May 4, 2012


So, our little one moves around... a LOT. Which makes it difficult to find its little heart, with it's tiny, super fast heartbeat (which I heard for about 5 seconds before it made a run for it). And thus, we got an ultrasound--just to be certain it was in there. Haha. 

Anyway, I got a video of it! At the beginning you can make out a little face on the left, which the doctor points out, if you have the sound on (when the baby cooperates and lets us see it), and at the end, on the right, you can really see it's legs moving all over the place!! The doctor also points out the spine and shows me how the baby's hands are in the air. Hehe. As I say in the video-- it's SO WEIRD. But amazing. <3 

God is good. :D

See y'all Monday with another picture! Love!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Today I go for my appointment! :D Not the gender one, just the regular old check up. But like I said before, I am SO EXCITED because I don't feel very pregnant. And the less I feel pregnant, the more worried I get about the baby. Silly worries, because I don't feel bad, or hurt or anything. Jonathan has to work, so I am going to try to record the heartbeat if they let me.