Thursday, May 23, 2013

6 Month Pictures--so late.

Here are Hadassah's pictures for 6 months. Of course, she is already almost 8, so I will post 8 month ones soon after!! I didn't take 7month pictures. I forgot, and by the time I remembered, it was already almost 8 months!!



Friday, May 3, 2013

Someone is going to be a big sister!

I totally missed posting at Hadassah's 6 month mark! I have pictures on the iPad, and I intend on posting them when I can get near some internet. For now, though, I will just share our newest big news!

My beautiful baby girl is going to be a big sister! I am pregnant again!

This pregnancy has been SO different than the last one. I haven't had any symptoms other than a lack of energy, but my thought was that Hadassah was just wearing me out!

My estimated due date is late November, but it was wrong with Hadassah so I will wait to see what the ultrasound says. If that is true, I'm already 10 weeks along! I can't believe that I've almost breezed through three months without even knowing! Anyway, we are super excited that Hadassah is going to have a little brother or sister. It is such a huge blessing! :D