Saturday, August 3, 2013

Nine Months!

Hello all from the Bulls! I never did update on my new due date for the newest womb tenant. We will be 18 weeks along tomorrow, and we are due January 5th. Because we had a c-section, I will have to have another, so we are really looking at a late December birthday, just like Jonathan... And maybe ven on Jonathan's birthday! 

 As for Hadassah, she is doing really well! growing normally, starting to stand on her own, loves rolling things like cars and balls. Here are her 9 month pictures. She wasn't very cooperative, so there aren't many of them. 
This was the best picture I got. She was not cooperating. 
Just being distracted.
Trying to take off the headband...
Practicing her standing... :)
 We went to the Dallas Zoo, and this was my favorite picture! 
An adorable smile!
Looking out at daddy...
And just about the cutest sleeping picture ever. :D