Monday, July 30, 2012

the big three oh!

Welcome to Week 30!! HOORAY!!! :D

I'm so excited to have finally gotten to week 30! That means only 10... TEN weeks left!! (Of course, I know she might be late, that's okay! I just like that next week we will be in the single digits!! WOW!!!) That being said, I want her to take as much time as she needs to be a healthy little girl, and get all the growing she needs before coming into the world! :D I know that a lot of ladies get super impatient, but I'm going to try my very best to be understanding that she might need a little more time to get ready! :D But I still hope she comes a week or so early. Hehe. 

We were super successful in our carpet cleaning endeavors this weekend. And when I say super successful, I mean WOW THE CARPETS IN OUR RENTAL NEVER LOOKED THIS GOOD successful! haha. Jonathan really did a remarkable job moving EVERYTHING, and then cleaning the carpet. We don't even need a rug in the living room anymore! Not to mention, he organized the baby's room, after cleaning the carpet, moving the dressers by himself. He is too good to me. :D Here is the final picture he took of one corner of the room. I'll have to pan around some more for y'all later this week. :D But this is our rocking chair, and our cute elephant table with elephant lamp. :D

Still waiting on some things I'll get at my showers, but we know where everything will go, so this is the set up! :D I'm so excited. And it's so nice and soothing when it's dark, and that little lamp is on. Plus, it smells GREAT from the clean carpets.


HOW FAR ALONG?: 30 weeks! Just 10 weeks left!!!
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: Just around 20 lbs.
MATERNITY CLOTHES?: And nothing else.
STRETCH MARKS?: They're there, and red. And itchy! haha.
SLEEP?: Uncomfortable. But still not getting up because of kicks.
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: We cleaned our carpets! Or, I should say, my amazingly wonderful husband cleaned our carpets! And moved all of our furniture! And arranged our baby girl's room! :D
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: I don't think I had one. If I did, I've forgotten it! haha.
MOVEMENT?: Lots and lots! :D
MISS ANYTHING?: Sleeping on my stomach, sucking in my stomach (like, it's completely impossible now. It just won't. And it hurts.)... red bull... walking normally without being out of breath. Sleeping on my stomach (I really REALLY miss that one!)
FOOD CRAVINGS?: Fruit, veggies, and a sudden craving for a chocolate cake--that I did NOT indulge in! GO ME! :D
ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: A little bit of nausea in the mornings, but not from anything.
GENDER?: a beautiful baby girl. :D
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: I think I've been pretty good this week... Just a stretching belly, achey back, acidic stomach, but less complaintive I think.
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: Still in, but it's definitely stretching.
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: Colton and Em's wedding this weekend... then gorgeous Glorietta, New Mexico! :D Seeing my Mom and Dad this weekend, too! :D :D

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Twenty Nine Weeks!

So this week, I improvised. Haha. I didn't have time to be all writing things on dry erase boards, so I just added it. It's sorta pretty, huh? And the picture was taken only an hour ago! So it's definitely current.

I made some invites for one of my baby showers! I forgot to add the time to them, though. :[ I figure I'll just write it in. Ha!

I went in paint and sorta just pinked out the addresses and whatnot. But isn't it cute! The left is the front, and the right is the back. I love that poem... thanks to Jessica for giving it to me!! :D


HOW FAR ALONG?: 29 weeks!
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: Just around 20 lbs.
STRETCH MARKS?: They're there, and red. And itchy! haha.
SLEEP?: Getting up more often, and a lot less comfortable this week.
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Kicks and movement that is almost visible. I wasn't getting a lot, and now it's a lot better. Everyone was right, it's pretty cool! There were two different times that I saw my arm move because it was resting on my tummy!!
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: My lymph nodes have been giving me some pain, so most of Sunday was miserable.
MOVEMENT?: Lots more! :D
FOOD CRAVINGS?: Veggies. Lots of veggies! And chips and salsa.
ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: A little bit of nausea in the mornings, but not from anything.
GENDER?: a beautiful baby girl. :D
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: still all hormoned out and crying at the drop of a hat... and I need to really start remembering Phil. 2:14 more often. :/ I complain a lot.
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: Still in, but it's definitely stretching.
HAPPY or MOODY MOST OF THE TIME?: Complaintive? Hah. Probably more moody. :/ :[
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: Lots and lots of cleaning this weekend. Getting to see Keith and Kourt tomorrow! And generally looking forward to a week in gorgeous Glorietta, NM come August. :D

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Diapers, Lanterns & Kicks to the Diaphragm

So, I have decided that clothe diapers are the way to go. That doesn't mean I'm completely opposed to disposable diapers, and I think I will use them for travel, for sick days (diarrhea), and for diaper rash days (apparently it helps them heal faster). But by and far, I want to save money. And by using clothe diapers, I can.

That being said, I'm not going for the old fashioned, piece of clothe that you wrap around the baby thing. I'm doing the all-in-two's (AI2) and they pretty much look like normal diapers, except for the awesome fact that they are WAY super cuter!! The gist of it is that the outer layer is the diaper, and it is waterproof on the outside to keep from leaking. The inside is a fabric that wicks away moisture. And because they are AI2, they come with an insert that you stick into the diaper, and can change alone if it doesn't soak through to the diaper. Easy enough!

I have ordered my first twelve... the picture is blurry because I got it from online:
Aren't they just too adorable? :D I was way too excited when they came in. Especially since they are diapers. Haha. But they are just as cute as the tiny clothes! 

I ordered my next ten today... They're solid colors, and this is the order picture, but I ordered pink, orange, blue, yellow, and green.

I just can't really get over how cute they are. And, oh-the possibilities! I have a pattern for them, too. So I can literally make any gorgeous, amazingly cute clothe that I find into an adorable diaper! 

Of course, I have to make my sewing machine work first. And then maybe I could sell them, too! 

In baby room news, I am going to attempt to make a ceiling fixture, rather than use a mobile, that is made out of paper lanterns! I totally stole the idea from Pinterest... and here are various pictures of the general idea:

I love it! I'm doing light pink, dark pink (fuschia), and silver. And I love the hanging yellow strands in the third picture, so I will probably find some way to incorporate that. I bought the paper lanterns today. 

In any case, this is what's going on in baby buying world. Lots of fun creative things... and cute girly things.

Also, my appointment yesterday went well! The doctor said it feels like she's locked and loaded (which isn't really what he said, but it sounds cooler than "she feels like she's turned". Haha). In any case, it explains the kicks in the ribs... I think she's decided that is where her feet go. It doesn't hurt... though the kicks in the diaphragm do make it difficult to breath at times. :]


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Week 28!!

So... I was going to wait to post this until I got a picture, but I haven't had time yet this week. And I don't want to post too late. :D Especially since I wasn't anywhere near a computer on Monday, so I'm late anyway! I will endeavor to take a picture, but if I do not, I'll make sure next week has lots of pictures again! Haha.

12 Weeks Left!
80 days left!

In my 28th week I feel like my milestones are over, and I just wait out this third trimester counting down the weeks that seem to never end. :/ It seems like a lot of unbearable waiting for her to come, while being mostly miserable.

I sometimes get an infection in my lymph-nodes in my intestines, and it's sorta achy painful (it isn't a side-effect of pregnancy, it's just something that happens to me). Anyway, she was totally kicking the heck out of it this morning and it felt SO AWESOME, like she was massaging me. Haha. That was interesting and fun. She's already helpful. :D

Also, so many of my very dear friends came back Monday (some of them just to immediately go, whether home for the summer or off to new adventures). It was a time of great happiness, but also extremely exhausting, part because we were up at 5 am to see them arrive, and part because carrying this growing girl is tiring. In any case, it was extremely joyful!! :D

HOW FAR ALONG?: 28 weeks!
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: Maybe 20 lbs. I'll find out for sure later today.
STRETCH MARKS?: They're there, and red.
SLEEP?: Pretty good. I usually only get up once.
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: The baby kicked me in the ribs! haha. And I'm really starting to feel her a lot more, as she grows. Also, seeing so many amazing wonderful friends Monday! It was so amazing, and such a blessing.
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Saying goodbye to some amazingly wonderful friends Monday. :'/
MOVEMENT?: Lots of little kicks and nudges.
FOOD CRAVINGS?: Dairy Queen once last week. And veggies. Mmm.
GENDER?: a beautiful baby girl. :D
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Rapidly growing belly. Lower back pain, side pain, and overwhelming overheating.
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: Still in, but it's definitely stretching.
HAPPY or MOODY MOST OF THE TIME?: Happy. :D and random spouts and bouts of crying or craziness depending on how hot it is.
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?:  Birthing class on Saturday! And I have an appointment later today. :] So hearing her heartbeat!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Week 27!

Week Twenty-Seven Bump!

Here are some pictures of the room! There is still a lot of furniture and junk in the middle of the room, but whatever. Heh. You can still see the main parts:

This is on the left, looking in from the door. 
This is on the right, looking in from the door. 

I think I really like it now that I haven't been staring at it a lot. Oh! And I finished the elephant table this weekend:

Before and After!! 
The elephant on the right is grey... but for some reason the light really washed it out. 
And thanks to Rachelle and Josh for the table in the first place. :D It's so perfect!

Here are the next set of random questions. These may be the last... because I can't find or think of other things that might be interesting to know. Let me know if you want me to answer any other questions! :D I'm open to suggestions!

Did you have morning sickness?: Yep. Throughout my first trimester. But it was a lie! It was all day, not just in the morning. It moved to mornings in the second trimester, and is finally tapering off now.

Do you have any cravings?: Not any consistent cravings. I want some things some times, but there isn't anything I NEED TO HAVE. I like french fries a lot right now, and fruit. I have had cravings for mashed potatoes, pasta salad from Saggio's, strawberries, Cesar salad, fried chicken, shake n bake chicken, eggs, breakfast burritos, lucky charms, cinnamon toast crunch and cheese... but not together or at the same time or anything bizarre.

Do you have any mood swings?: Only when it's really hot, or when I'm hurting particularly badly. Other than that, I can cry at pretty much any little ridiculous thing. Sunday morning I was describing the country song by Tim McGraw called "Don't Take the Girl" to Jonathan, and I totally started crying. :/ It was pretty hilarious, and completely embarrassing.

Formula or breastfeeding?: Breastfeeding. And I keep having crazy dreams about it, so I think I'm a little nervous about it. Haha.

Have you bought anything for baby yet?: Paint for her room, does that count? Oh! And clothe diapers!

Who will help with baby after they're born?: Jonathan. :D And I'm sure the grandparents will be around. I'm not really sure.

What is your favorite thing about being pregnant?: Feeling the baby, and seeing the ultrasounds.

What is the worst thing about being pregnant?: Aches, acne, heat, and general exhaustion.

HOW FAR ALONG?: 27 weeks!
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: just about 18 pounds... when I weighed myself last night, it was the same.
MATERNITY CLOTHES?: Got some super awesome shorts and dresses last week from my amazing momma! :D
STRETCH MARKS?: They're growing! haha. I keep telling Jonathan they're tiger claw marks. Hehe.
SLEEP?: I get up twice, usually, and mostly because the dog wakes me up. I think he's trying to prepare me! haha.
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: I had a girl night Friday night, and it was so fun! :D I also had a rather hilarious emotional moment this week-- referenced above in the mood swings question. These things sorta make pregnancy fun with the hubby. Haha.
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: I had a really awful dizzy spell on Saturday afternoon. :/ I got really panicky about it too. Not fun.
MOVEMENT?: Nudges. A lot after lunch and dinners. And apparently early in the morning, but I'm not usually awake to feel it, and it doesn't wake me up.
FOOD CRAVINGS?: Chocolate. :] hehe.
GENDER?: a beautiful baby girl. :D
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Growing belly. Lower back pain, side pain, and overwhelming overheating.
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: Still in, but it's definitely stretching.
HAPPY or MOODY MOST OF THE TIME?: Happy. :D and random spouts and bouts of crying or craziness depending on how hot it is.
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?:  Possibly seeing Roxie and Ryan this weekend! Seeing my friends when they come back from East Asia next week! Also, my birthing class the following weekend!

And here is a funny comic that perfectly depicts my crazy tearful hormones! And really, Jonathan's nonchalant reaction to them... except that he's usually laughing. Hahaha. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Week Twenty-Six!

Welcome to Week Twenty-Six!

95 days till the due date! 
OR 14 weeks till the due date!

Man, I look exhausted in that picture. I had just finished our SONday festivities, and lemme tell ya, 6 toddlers with paint, costumes, and lots of running around will tire a pregnant lady out! Haha. That is also why I'm wearing the fabulous tye-dye shirt. :D Fun times at FSBC. I also didn't have the energy to re-take the picture after I saw that little Hadassah was covering the words. :/ So, it says she can open her eyes this week! And that she is approximately 1.7 pounds. Woo! Exciting stuff!

This week I have decided to start answering some other questions along with my normal ones. I'll split them up so that I don't do them all on one day. This is the first of those questions!

How did you find out you were pregnant? Well... I had sort of suspected. And I got sick that week, so on Valentine's Day I came home to Jonathan with a cheese pizza, some champagne, and a movie, and he asks if I'm feeling better, and I am (for right then). And it occurs to him "Maybe you should take a pregnancy test before you drink this champagne... just to be safe." Sure enough, it was positive. And what does he say? "Well, no booze for you!" Haha. We still have the full bottle sitting on our counter at home.

What kind of Pregnancy test did you take? EPT

How many? Only the one. And lemme tell ya, it turned FAST.

What were your 1st symptoms? REALLY sore chest. :/ And then the all day "morning" sickness.

Who did you tell first? Jonathan! :D

Who was with you when you found out? Jonathan. :D Well, he was in the other room.

My 1st reaction: Tears. I was so upset we couldn't go to East Asia. And then I was worried, and scared. And then I was really excited. Luckily, my wonderful husband was nothing but happy and excited (though I'm sure a little nervous, as anyone would be!)

Was your baby planned? No, but I had been wanting to have a baby... after the summer.

When was the baby conceived? No idea. Sometime December/January-ish according to our due date.

How far were you when you found out? At first they said 4 weeks, but after they changed the due date, it was more like 6... the symptoms had been there for a couple weeks.

How did your parents react? Haha. I sent my dad a birthday present, with frames that said "I love grandpa" and "I love grandma" in them. In the frame I had put "Baby Bull, coming October 2012". Apparently my dad didn't have his glasses so my mom read it to him and she kept saying "what does that mean?!" And my dad finally told her "It means your daughter is pregnant!" :D haha. He text me and told me to call him, which I did immediately. They were both really excited! :D And still are!

HOW FAR ALONG?: 26 weeks!
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: just about 18 pounds.
MATERNITY CLOTHES?: Yep. I'm on the lookout for casual dresses with not so low cut tops, and longer skirts (as the bump makes any dress a little shorter). :] In case anyone sees one/some, let me know! It's so hot!!!
STRETCH MARKS?: a few around my belly button that are getting darker!
SLEEP?: Like a rock.
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Getting her first 12 clothe diapers! It was so exciting! They have almost all been prepped. Woot! AND my wonderful husband fixed our vacuum!! Woot woot! Operation cleaning baby room/house will soon be under way!
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Heat, heat, and more heat. :[
MOVEMENT?: Nudges. A lot after lunch and dinners. And apparently early in the morning, but I'm not usually awake to feel it, and it doesn't wake me up.
FOOD CRAVINGS?: Green grapes!
GENDER?: a beautiful baby girl. :D
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Growing belly. Lower back pain, side pain, and overwhelming overheating.
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: Still in, but it's definitely stretching.
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: My baby showers in August and September (If you want more info, check out my last post and PLEASE send me your address for ANY shower--Portales and Alb.). AND starting to clean the house. AND making this book shelf I've been trying to make for our little girl.