Monday, July 9, 2012

Week 27!

Week Twenty-Seven Bump!

Here are some pictures of the room! There is still a lot of furniture and junk in the middle of the room, but whatever. Heh. You can still see the main parts:

This is on the left, looking in from the door. 
This is on the right, looking in from the door. 

I think I really like it now that I haven't been staring at it a lot. Oh! And I finished the elephant table this weekend:

Before and After!! 
The elephant on the right is grey... but for some reason the light really washed it out. 
And thanks to Rachelle and Josh for the table in the first place. :D It's so perfect!

Here are the next set of random questions. These may be the last... because I can't find or think of other things that might be interesting to know. Let me know if you want me to answer any other questions! :D I'm open to suggestions!

Did you have morning sickness?: Yep. Throughout my first trimester. But it was a lie! It was all day, not just in the morning. It moved to mornings in the second trimester, and is finally tapering off now.

Do you have any cravings?: Not any consistent cravings. I want some things some times, but there isn't anything I NEED TO HAVE. I like french fries a lot right now, and fruit. I have had cravings for mashed potatoes, pasta salad from Saggio's, strawberries, Cesar salad, fried chicken, shake n bake chicken, eggs, breakfast burritos, lucky charms, cinnamon toast crunch and cheese... but not together or at the same time or anything bizarre.

Do you have any mood swings?: Only when it's really hot, or when I'm hurting particularly badly. Other than that, I can cry at pretty much any little ridiculous thing. Sunday morning I was describing the country song by Tim McGraw called "Don't Take the Girl" to Jonathan, and I totally started crying. :/ It was pretty hilarious, and completely embarrassing.

Formula or breastfeeding?: Breastfeeding. And I keep having crazy dreams about it, so I think I'm a little nervous about it. Haha.

Have you bought anything for baby yet?: Paint for her room, does that count? Oh! And clothe diapers!

Who will help with baby after they're born?: Jonathan. :D And I'm sure the grandparents will be around. I'm not really sure.

What is your favorite thing about being pregnant?: Feeling the baby, and seeing the ultrasounds.

What is the worst thing about being pregnant?: Aches, acne, heat, and general exhaustion.

HOW FAR ALONG?: 27 weeks!
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: just about 18 pounds... when I weighed myself last night, it was the same.
MATERNITY CLOTHES?: Got some super awesome shorts and dresses last week from my amazing momma! :D
STRETCH MARKS?: They're growing! haha. I keep telling Jonathan they're tiger claw marks. Hehe.
SLEEP?: I get up twice, usually, and mostly because the dog wakes me up. I think he's trying to prepare me! haha.
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: I had a girl night Friday night, and it was so fun! :D I also had a rather hilarious emotional moment this week-- referenced above in the mood swings question. These things sorta make pregnancy fun with the hubby. Haha.
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: I had a really awful dizzy spell on Saturday afternoon. :/ I got really panicky about it too. Not fun.
MOVEMENT?: Nudges. A lot after lunch and dinners. And apparently early in the morning, but I'm not usually awake to feel it, and it doesn't wake me up.
FOOD CRAVINGS?: Chocolate. :] hehe.
GENDER?: a beautiful baby girl. :D
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Growing belly. Lower back pain, side pain, and overwhelming overheating.
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: Still in, but it's definitely stretching.
HAPPY or MOODY MOST OF THE TIME?: Happy. :D and random spouts and bouts of crying or craziness depending on how hot it is.
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?:  Possibly seeing Roxie and Ryan this weekend! Seeing my friends when they come back from East Asia next week! Also, my birthing class the following weekend!

And here is a funny comic that perfectly depicts my crazy tearful hormones! And really, Jonathan's nonchalant reaction to them... except that he's usually laughing. Hahaha. 


  1. exciiiiiting! love hearing how you're loving pregnancy and your little one!
    also loved the table... have a soft spot for elephants since liberty was born in thailand.
    missing both of your laughs...

    1. We are getting more and more excited every day!!

      Awwwe! I didn't know she was born in thailand! apparently Jonathan did though. :/ heh. Shows my memory. Eesh. I'll blame it on the pregnancy brain. We miss you, too!
