Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thirty-5 weeks!

35 weeks!

And that seems like it is so close, and 5 weeks doesn't seem very long... But I'm getting bigger and less comfortable, and more impatient as the days go by. :/ that being said, prayers are appreciated! Haha.
Only 5 weeks or 30 days till she is due!
My parents came to bring all of the big gifts from my previous showers this weekend. So now we have a crib! Hooray! It's gorgeous, and the bedding is too cute, matches perfectly, and came with a window vallance that matches perfectly. :) I'm pretty excited!

It was also just really nice to see my parents and spend time with them, even if I was completely wiped out after they left! :D <br/>


HOW FAR ALONG?: 35 weeks!! Only 5 weeks left!!! Wow! We are getting really close!<br />
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: I'm not entirely sure. I've stopped doing the math because it makes me sad. Haha. <br />
MATERNITY CLOTHES?: Starting to get a lot bigger, so even the maternity clothes are weird fitting sometimes.<br />
STRETCH MARKS?: all around the belly. <br />
SLEEP?: I guess I jinxed myself last week. I am now having a hard time sleeping. Mostly because of temperature and needing to pee. <br />
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: spending a whole day with my hubby and nothing and no one else. Labor day was such a blessing to us. :) also, my parents came in to town! :D <br />
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: just general pregnancy stuff getting to me. It's hard to walk and sit and breath... You know, normal stuff. :D <br />
MOVEMENT?: mostly after eating. :) <br />
MISS ANYTHING?: Sleeping on my stomach!!!! Walking. Breathing... Living normally. <br />
FOOD CRAVINGS?: chocolate. A lot of chocolate. <br />
ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: Just getting up in the morning. And it seems like she loves to kick my stomach in the morning and make me really sick. <br />
GENDER?: a beautiful baby girl. :D<br />
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Swollen ankles, big belly, the waddle, and being very aware of where the bathroom is at all times.<br />
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: Still in! Maybe it won't pop out. (Crossing my fingers cause it really freaks me out!)<br />
WEDDING RINGS OFF or ON?: On, but it's getting tight...<br />
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: my baby shower with my Portales friends on Saturday! I'm mostly just excited to hang out with everyone. :D


  1. Erin! YAY! I'm so excited for you and I wish SO BAD I could be there at your baby shower! :/ But its okay! I can't wait to meet that lil baby girl!!!!!!!!!!!!! The crib is PRECIOUS and I can just imagine you holdin your sweet baby and laying her down in there when she falls asleep! :)Its gonna be SO WONDERFUL! I love you and miss you!!!

  2. so good to hear how you're doing!
    i'd forgotten about feeling HOT all the time and the how difficult it was to just BREATHE.
    prying for you today.
    looking forward to meeting your baby girl (even if it is via blog)!
    enjoy your time with friends... ;)
    (((hugs))) to you & yours!
