Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Two Weeks!

Hadassah is officially two weeks old, and was 7 pounds at her weight check yesterday! Which means she is officially over her birth weight! Hooray! At her appointment last week she was down to 6 pounds, 8 ounces, which was a normal loss I guess for a newborn from her birth weight, but it still made us a little nervous. In any case, she has been eating well, and digesting well. Hah!

That's her. All harnessed and passed out after her appointment yesterday. So small and adorable. She just got done eating, her favorite time to sleep.

Here are some more pictures of her second week:

Awake and showing off her blue eyes!           And a Bull family picture. :D

Hadassah and I.

Hadassah and her daddy. She loves looking at him. :]         And Hadassah and her uncle Matt!

Both of us, quite tired.

As for breastfeeding, it's finally working out a lot better. Hadassah will drink from the breast and just about any type of bottle. The only problem she is having now is when my let down is really fast and she fusses because she can't keep up--but everyone says she will eventually catch up as she gets bigger. She still has some trouble falling asleep at the breast if she is only half awake but still really hungry, so a bottle is really helpful in those times. I got a wonderful contraption called a nipple shield that helps control the let down, and helps her latch when she's really sleepy, and that has been super helpful, too.

So, for those of you who I haven't requested daily prayer from, I have been dealing with baby blues. Heavily. If I've missed calls or texts that is probably why (unless it was yesterday afternoon/evening because my phone died! Sorry!!) I haven't had a lot of energy to talk with people, and when I do it usually involves some crying. It isn't a fun experience. But today has been good so far, so I will take it where I can get it! Mostly it's transitioned to a lot of panicky feelings that don't seem to have a stem (like, they don't come from feelings of incompetence as a mom, or being unsure of what to do with a baby. They are just there for no reason), and it is becoming less crazy crying. But I do a lot better when I keep busy, and make sure I have stuff to do. I still feel a little panicked, but it tends to overtake me less. So I will be studying a lot, cleaning and cooking a lot, and trying my best to keep busy. Continued prayer is needed that I would trust God, and lean into Him when it gets rough while I'm home alone during the day.

That all being said, Jonathan and I are falling more and more in love with our little one as her wrinkles fill out in her hands and feet, and she graces us with her unusual awake times. Jonathan adores just looking at her, and loving on her, and it's such a joy to watch him shower her with love. She is such a blessing to us! 

She is still sleeping a lot, but she IS only two weeks old! It's a lot to take in and learn. It's been a blessing the past two nights that she has slept for 5 hours in a row before waking up, and then another three before we have to start our day. It was 4 hours last week, so it's nice to see it lengthening a little. She is a good sleeper, and I can praise God for it, now that she is gaining weight and waking up to eat regularly during the day. If we are lucky, this sleeping at night trend will continue until she teethes (which is what my dad told me I did! Slept through the night until teething...) and then we can cross that hurty, sad bridge when we come to it.

Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers! And to the ladies who commented on my last post, thank you so much for your encouragement!! It is great to hear that this is normal, and that there is an end to these feelings. We appreciate everyone! Love!!

1 comment:

  1. So good to hear from you & see pictures of your adorable baby girl. Especially love the pictures of you two with her. What a precious gift she is! Dad certainly has blessed you beyond measure and I'm grateful that often the biggest blessings are in tiny onesies! And a tiny one she is! But healthy and growing! Truly precious!
    So grateful to hear that you're feeling encouraged and that you're learning how to do this mommy thing - which has so often felt like a moving target in my own life. And yet, it keeps us dependent, doesn't it!?! GRACE!
    Thankful for you 3 and so excited to have a view from afar! (((HUGS)))
