Thursday, January 10, 2013

Three Months!

Hey everyone! 

I'm so happy to say that Hadassah is now THREE MONTHS OLD! 

This time went by so fast.
She has been growing and changing and learning so much, and the time just whizzed by... it's been a blur!
She saw the specialist again yesterday, and he gave her the okay to only wear her brace while sleeping! Hooray!! She is officially free to kick and roll all day... as soon as she learns how to roll. :D

In other news, she has found her hands and loves to suck on them!
Apparently that is how babies learn. They feel things with their mouth and explore their world that way... which means a  lot more cleaning EVERYTHING for me, and making sure she doesn't get ahold of anything she shouldn't put in her mouth. Haha. Her favorite toy thus far is her keys. She loves to look at them and attempt to put them in her mouth. She also loves to shake them. It was so cool when we first saw her grab for them!! :D I cried. I'm such a sap. Hehehe.
I think she likes the bright colors, and the sound they make. 

Here is one of the first times she was holding them. It was very exciting. I know, it's probably not super interesting. Haha. But what can I say? I'm a parent! Just about anything she does impresses me! 

That's all for now. Hope you all are wonderful! Love from the Bull family!


  1. love the pictures!!!
    funny how you described yourself as a "sap" - not a term i've ever used for myself... but when it comes to our sprouts, i guess, i totally am!
    just last week while jarod was out of town (& i was pms-ing - ha!) i was lying in bed getting all teary eyed thinking about how the room next to me was literally holding my two most precious treasures in the World. :D
    welcome to my to my sappy world!
    & (((HUGS))) from the east side!

    1. Awe! I think being sappy is a good thing. :D we miss you guys and the sprouts so much! they ate so big now!!! And absolutely gorgeous!
