Friday, March 15, 2013

Five Months!!

Our beautiful baby girl is now five months old! She is adorable and as fun as ever!

She is pretty proficient at assisted sitting, though she has a little way to go to be able to do it herself. She wobbles a lot! She definitely has the leg strength to stand, but she needs my balance to do it. She is getting there, and way too fast for my liking.

We were planning to go to the zoo yesterday, but it was way too crowded, so we ended up going to the park. She seemed interested until she got hungry. She is very observant, which is so amazing to see in someone so small!

I must say, though it is difficult, being a mom is a blast!! She is so fun to watch and play with. I had no idea how amazing it would be. She is such a gift!

Here are a few more from her 5 month photos. ADORABLE. I just can't stand it. She was smiling mostly because Jonathan came in and was making noises for her. She is so fun! Haha. 

Here she was watching herself... Excited, yet a little freaked out. Haha. She loves looking at her reflection, and she loves watching herself on the ipad. She also loves watching Sesame Street on the ipad. (They have a podcast! Best discovery ever!!)

One of the first times she ate. This is a cookie. I love the tired look on her face. Haha. 

Something new...
We knew that 6 months was the official suggestion for when to start feeding, but we tried a little early. We don't give it to her often--once a day or once every two days-- but she seems to really like it. And she likes chewing on the spoons. Haha. She also always wants to help us feed her. She grabs the spoon and puts the food in her mouth, which is incredibly messy, and so very adorable. So far all she has had is rice cereal and mashed sweet potato, both of which she seemed to like.


  1. precious!
    love the beautiful photos!
    keep snapping away... just the other day i was looking back at my itouch photos & it was crazy how fast Liberty changed in such a short span of time! for 2 years virtually no hair... and now, it' getting long!
    maybe the craziest part is the fact that it was hard to remember that she went so long without hair! all that to say, they change so quickly! so document your days!
    (((HUGS))) from the east side!

    1. Awe!! Thank you! Hugs back!!
      I take least one picture a day, usually more, and I highly doubt that I will regret, as she is growing much too quickly for my liking.
