I cannot believe it's already been a whole year that Hadassah has been out of the womb, growing, living, changing... It seems like it's gone by too fast. It has been SUCH a HUGE blessing to see her take such strides in her life, and I am so excited that today she has officially been out of the womb for 365 days. God has blessed us so much with her little life, and I am beyond happy to share these amazing moments in her life. I love being her momma, and I'm so excited to continue to see her grow!! Her party is on Saturday, which is a little silly since she won't remember it, but I'm so excited that she has survived a year (or maybe that I'VE survived a year) that I just want to celebrate with everyone!
Just as an update, these are her 11 month pictures. I didn't ever get to a computer to upload them to the blog. I want to increase the frequency of these posts, and I hope I can, but Hadassah being mobile doesn't allow for very much free time to post. Especially since we don't have internet at our house.

I also took some 12 month pictures this morning. HUGE thanks to my mom for bringing these smiles out, and us getting some really cute smirks. I couldn't get much out of her before my parents got there, and my mom REALLY helped!! She also has been taking a few steps here and there, but today she took TEN WHOLE STEPS!! This was also the first time she realized that she was walking. She fell on multiple occasions and would get up and walk again. I think she'll been on her feet a lot coming up here in the next couple of weeks. She is just so smart, how she thinks about things. It's amazing to watch her figure things out and learn. I love every single minute of it!!

... and just as a bonus, Hadassah was talking to her baby doll, and it was ADORABLE. She was also having a blast with the stroller my dad bought her, for $2!! Bam! Ha.

happy birthday Hadassah!!!
so good to see you... & already a year old!
so thankful for family that makes you smile & a mommy & daddy that are smitten with you!
totally impressed with her $2 stroller... at a year we bought Liberty the same stroller & being that it was imported i paid way too much... :-/ so take it from me... it is well worth the $2!!! ;)