Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Little Lady Bulls

I forgot to say that her our newest little one is named Arabella Katherine. :)

She is now almost 3 weeks old, she is already gaining weight (she was 7lbs 9oz at 2 weeks) and eats like a boss. Hadassah loves her, and is always giving her kisses and stuff. She's a little nervous about us leaving again... But I think that will wear out this week when no one is staying with us and I'm home all day with her all the time.

We are super blessed with really good babies. Arabella only wakes once a night, and sleeps most of the day still. I'm still exhausted, but not nearly as much as I should be. When she is awake she just looks around and is a quiet little bundle of adorable. :) I don't know how we lucked out on BOTH girls being such good babies.

Your prayers are coveted as my hormones continue to adjust. I'm not good at big change, and the up and down of my hormones is really hard on me. The blues lasted a couple of months with Hadassah... But I feel like it is easier to deal with this time around, because I know it will end, having been through it once before. It helps that breastfeeding (though I hate it) is a lot easier this time. Arabella took to it without a problem and is definitely gaining weight!

I'm not sure of any other updates, but if you wanna know something, just ask! :) Love!

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh... so good to see your girls together! so sweet! it amazes me that she's already sleeping so well & i'm grateful both girls are laid back! please keep the pictures & stories coming... ;)
