Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Four Months!

Today Arabella is 4 months old! :D She is around 15 pounds, she loves her mommy and daddy and sister, putting EVERYTHING in her mouth, and hates being alone. :D

 She just loves putting those hands in her mouth. Ha!
 Hadassah really wanted to be in the pictures... 

 She just had to jump in...
 So I put a dress on her! :D

 Those blue eyes... Wow!

It took a lot to get that smirk out of Hadassah. Ha!


  1. ahhhh, precious! she does love her hands... is she teething?
    & love how big sister wanted to be part of the fun - they're so sweet together!

    1. I can't feel any teeth, and I check everyday! if she's anything like her sister she won't get them until much later.
      these little ladies love eachother so much. :D
