Sunday, July 27, 2014

Oooh, A Camera!

Hadassah is growing and learning so much, so quickly. It amazes me every day to see how she changes and learns, God is so SO kind to have allowed me to be a mom, and specifically, Hadassah's mom (and Arabella, but right now we are talking about H).

Last night she said "I love you too" to Jonathan before going to sleep, for the first time that I've heard. It was awesome. And the way she hugs me, the way she speaks to me and shows empathy, I cannot describe the immense love I have for this little girl that God has entrusted to me.

She recently figured out that the camera takes pictures. She LOVES it, looking at the pictures of me and her, of daddy, of sister, of friends and family...

I take pictures, which she is beginning to pose in, and she looks at them:
 A photo I took of the two of us to distract her from the computer I was writing to someone on... Yes. My hair is CRAZY. I just woke up. What can I say. 

 and these two she was making faces, and closing her eyes because she was expecting a flash.

so she stole used the camera the other day to take some of her own pictures. She is an artist, I tell ya:

 Okay, so she is still getting the hang of it. And she doesn't really understand the mechanics. But she is having fun, so whatever. :D

1 comment:

  1. fun! it's always fun to watch them explore & learn!
