Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Six Months!

Hello friends!

 I totally missed 5 month pics until late, so I forwent them and decided just to wait until Arabella turned 6 months. :] She is doing well, growing fast, but she won't have her well child check until later this month. In any case, she is a big girl, she can sit up and is making strides toward crawling! She has started eating things like avocado (which she LOVES), asparagus, rice cereal, celery and carrots. She seems to enjoy trying new things, and I love watching her get super messy.

 Sheesh. Look at those gorgeous eyes!

Hadassah wasn't as cooperative this time around... which is sort of her characteristic of late anyway. Toddlerhood has hit this household full force! :P She is frustrated, whiny and just like all toddlers. :] She is still a joy, though! :D

Here is her pouty moment. She was just so frustrated. I'm praying that subsides as she learns to communicate better. :] But here are the rest of the pictures with her in them... Mostly her being distracted by learning about things by playing and having NO interest in taking pictures or sharing with her sister. :] 

 Oh how I love these two little ladies. Wow. 

'Til next time! Love from the Bulls!


  1. This made me smile!!! :) Beautiful children!
    - Amber

  2. Yay! 6 months!
    Wow, how quickly time flies! And not only that... but how quickly she's grown! That first year is crazy with milestones & we rejoice in this season with you!
    Your girls are cuties for sure! Thank you for being intentional to share them via pictures & stories with us! :D
    p.s. looking forward to your update.
