Monday, December 30, 2013

Welcome to Existence!!!

Today, December 30th, our beautiful baby girl was evicted from the womb! We had a c-section, and she is 7lbs 2oz, 21inches, and we are so in love!!! :D Hadassah gave her lots of kisses and even a hug... But she is anxious to have us home, and we are anxious to get there to her.

I'm glad my parents could come to watch her and play with her and love on her while I heal a bit. They are such a blessing. :D

With any luck we will get outta here tomorrow, but we will see what happens. :D

Thursday, October 10, 2013

One Year Old


I cannot believe it's already been a whole year that Hadassah has been out of the womb, growing, living, changing... It seems like it's gone by too fast. It has been SUCH a HUGE blessing to see her take such strides in her life, and I am so excited that today she has officially been out of the womb for 365 days. God has blessed us so much with her little life, and I am beyond happy to share these amazing moments in her life. I love being her momma, and I'm so excited to continue to see her grow!! Her party is on Saturday, which is a little silly since she won't remember it, but I'm so excited that she has survived a year (or maybe that I'VE survived a year) that I just want to celebrate with everyone! 

Just as an update, these are her 11 month pictures. I didn't ever get to a computer to upload them to the blog. I want to increase the frequency of these posts, and I hope I can, but Hadassah being mobile doesn't allow for very much free time to post. Especially since we don't have internet at our house. 


I also took some 12 month pictures this morning. HUGE thanks to my mom for bringing these smiles out, and us getting some really cute smirks. I couldn't get much out of her before my parents got there, and my mom REALLY helped!! She also has been taking a few steps here and there, but today she took TEN WHOLE STEPS!! This was also the first time she realized that she was walking. She fell on multiple occasions and would get up and walk again. I think she'll been on her feet a lot coming up here in the next couple of weeks. She is just so smart, how she thinks about things. It's amazing to watch her figure things out and learn. I love every single minute of it!!

... and just as a bonus, Hadassah was talking to her baby doll, and it was ADORABLE. She was also having a blast with the stroller my dad bought her, for $2!! Bam! Ha. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Nine Months!

Hello all from the Bulls! I never did update on my new due date for the newest womb tenant. We will be 18 weeks along tomorrow, and we are due January 5th. Because we had a c-section, I will have to have another, so we are really looking at a late December birthday, just like Jonathan... And maybe ven on Jonathan's birthday! 

 As for Hadassah, she is doing really well! growing normally, starting to stand on her own, loves rolling things like cars and balls. Here are her 9 month pictures. She wasn't very cooperative, so there aren't many of them. 
This was the best picture I got. She was not cooperating. 
Just being distracted.
Trying to take off the headband...
Practicing her standing... :)
 We went to the Dallas Zoo, and this was my favorite picture! 
An adorable smile!
Looking out at daddy...
And just about the cutest sleeping picture ever. :D 

Monday, June 17, 2013

8 months!!

This beautiful girl is now 8 months old!! 
As it turns out, this stage is INCREDIBLY difficult to make sit still... Which is why I got some background tacks in these shots... Ha! But the poses are great!

And her little sibling is 11 weeks in-womb! 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

6 Month Pictures--so late.

Here are Hadassah's pictures for 6 months. Of course, she is already almost 8, so I will post 8 month ones soon after!! I didn't take 7month pictures. I forgot, and by the time I remembered, it was already almost 8 months!!



Friday, May 3, 2013

Someone is going to be a big sister!

I totally missed posting at Hadassah's 6 month mark! I have pictures on the iPad, and I intend on posting them when I can get near some internet. For now, though, I will just share our newest big news!

My beautiful baby girl is going to be a big sister! I am pregnant again!

This pregnancy has been SO different than the last one. I haven't had any symptoms other than a lack of energy, but my thought was that Hadassah was just wearing me out!

My estimated due date is late November, but it was wrong with Hadassah so I will wait to see what the ultrasound says. If that is true, I'm already 10 weeks along! I can't believe that I've almost breezed through three months without even knowing! Anyway, we are super excited that Hadassah is going to have a little brother or sister. It is such a huge blessing! :D

Friday, March 15, 2013

Five Months!!

Our beautiful baby girl is now five months old! She is adorable and as fun as ever!

She is pretty proficient at assisted sitting, though she has a little way to go to be able to do it herself. She wobbles a lot! She definitely has the leg strength to stand, but she needs my balance to do it. She is getting there, and way too fast for my liking.

We were planning to go to the zoo yesterday, but it was way too crowded, so we ended up going to the park. She seemed interested until she got hungry. She is very observant, which is so amazing to see in someone so small!

I must say, though it is difficult, being a mom is a blast!! She is so fun to watch and play with. I had no idea how amazing it would be. She is such a gift!

Here are a few more from her 5 month photos. ADORABLE. I just can't stand it. She was smiling mostly because Jonathan came in and was making noises for her. She is so fun! Haha. 

Here she was watching herself... Excited, yet a little freaked out. Haha. She loves looking at her reflection, and she loves watching herself on the ipad. She also loves watching Sesame Street on the ipad. (They have a podcast! Best discovery ever!!)

One of the first times she ate. This is a cookie. I love the tired look on her face. Haha. 

Something new...
We knew that 6 months was the official suggestion for when to start feeding, but we tried a little early. We don't give it to her often--once a day or once every two days-- but she seems to really like it. And she likes chewing on the spoons. Haha. She also always wants to help us feed her. She grabs the spoon and puts the food in her mouth, which is incredibly messy, and so very adorable. So far all she has had is rice cereal and mashed sweet potato, both of which she seemed to like.