Monday, March 31, 2014

Three Months!

Arabella turned THREE MONTHS OLD yesterday! :D It is going by quickly, and I'm loving every moment. She can hold up her head like a pro, and she has found her hands. The hands don't go many other places than her mouth, but she knows where they are! Here are her 3 month pictures (I forgot my 3 month sticker, so we will have to go without this month):

Just ignore my shoes.... ;] Ha!

We are starting to spend lots of time at the park. Hadassah LOVES it, she whines asks to go every single day! Here are a couple of our pictures from the park (yes, the 3 month pics were at the park!)

For anyone who doesn't know, Hadassah LOVES being a big sister... and Arabella is getting used to her sister's rough love. They hug and kiss all the time, and I absolutely love it! I had some with Arabella smiling, but I don't have them on the computer. :/ Oops!

Here are our St. Patrick's Day pictures. My cousin got their ADORABLE outfits! Thanks Justine! :D

And this is Hadassah and I hanging out and being goofy. I love this beautiful girl!

 Lastly, Hadassah had a playdate with this adorable girl, Izy! They had a blast, and it was cool to see Hadassah hanging out with someone her age. Awe, they're too cute!! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Two Months!

Hello friends and family!

Well, I wasn't sure when to take pictures because Arabella was born on the 30th, and February doesn't have a 30th, so I settled for today! Mostly because today we had her well child check-up. She is a healthy, heavy little baby at 12 lbs, 13oz, and 23 inches. She is so smiley, starting to make more noise apart from her infrequent crying, and is a joy! She loves baths, sticking out her tongue, and eating. :] Technically today would be a couple of days late, but here are her pictures!