Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Week thirty four!

All right, so I don't have an update picture yet. Jonathan left early this morning, so I'm hoping to get one at lunch. BUT... I have a few of the maternity pictures! Hooray!
  I love these little shoes!
 And her feet won't even be THAT big when she's here.

 Hadassah <3 

 The classic heart on the belly.
 I really like this set. The colors are pretty. :D

This was a lot of fun! :D It was hot, but these pictures don't make it look as bright as I felt like it was. Haha. Kourt and Keith did an amazing job!! I can't wait to see more of them!! 

HOW FAR ALONG?: 34 weeks!! Only 6 weeks left!!!
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: I dunno, but I'm supposed to be gaining 1/2 a pound per week.
MATERNITY CLOTHES?: Starting to get a lot bigger, so even the maternity clothes are weird fitting sometimes.
STRETCH MARKS?: Bright red, and still there!
SLEEP?: Sleeping through the night, which is apparently uncommon. I usually get up once a night, but that was normal for me before pregnancy.
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Got to eat some awesome real Chinese food last night! YUM!
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: I washed baby clothes all weekend, and that was pretty exhausting. You don't realize how tiring it is until there's a million little onesies coming out of the dryer and you have to fold them all! haha.
MOVEMENT?: Yep! Mostly after meals.
MISS ANYTHING?: Sleeping on my stomach!!!! Oh, how I long to stomach sleep. Also, not waddling. This pregnant waddle is really starting to make me feel strange.
FOOD CRAVINGS?: Nothing this week.
ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: Just getting up in the morning again.
GENDER?: a beautiful baby girl. :D
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Swollen ankles, big belly, the waddle, and being very aware of where the bathroom is at all times.
BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: Still in! Maybe it won't pop out. (Crossing my fingers cause it really freaks me out!)
WEDDING RINGS OFF or ON?: On, but my hands are starting to swell a little some days.
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: Got an appointment tomorrow, and then we are starting ladies group this Saturday! Looking forward to that! :D

1 comment:

  1. love, love, LOVE the pictures!!! K&K did an incredible job! & you look beautiful & happy! so good to to see your smile again! ;)
    excited for you that you got to eat real chinese food... in america! ha!
